Hi i am XXXXXXX now i am 2 months pregnant but my blood pressure is above 150/ 100 i am a working IUGR , amniotic fluid shortage sir kindly suggest for controlling my blood pressureI pulled together a little bit of basic information that you may find helpful to discuss with your primary care physician The numbers you have given do represent hypertension if you have had severalIf you had high blood pressure when you were pregnant, it will probably be back to normal within a few weeks of having your baby (NCCWCH 10, NHS 18, Smith et al 13) Your blood pressure will be monitored during labour and after the birth (NHS 18) After that, if you had gestational hypertension or chronic hypertension, a midwife will check it daily for the first few days, then at

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· Sometimes high blood pressure is present before pregnancy In other cases, high blood pressure develops during pregnancy Gestational hypertension Women with gestational hypertension have high blood pressure that develops after weeks of pregnancy There is no excess protein in the urine or other signs of organ damage Some women withModerate – blood pressure between 150/100 and 159/109mmHg;Antihypertensive indications Postpartum for BP >150/100 mmHg on at least 2 readings 4 hours apart;
· Chronic hypertension refers to high blood pressure that was present before pregnancy You may also be diagnosed with this condition if you develop hypertension during the first weeks ofI leave and feel light headedlike and go buy a digital blood pressure · Published by Syam on October 16, 84 / 100 High blood pressure after pregnancy in medical terms is called postpartum preeclampsia This condition occurs when a woman has high blood pressure and excess protein in her urine after giving birth
Went to my maternal fetal medicine doctor today for my every 3 week ultrasound and my blood pressure was 150/100!High Blood Pressure and Preeclampsia During and After Pregnancy The Blue Band Initiative is an effort to alert health care providers about a patient's risk for preeclampsia Patients who are at risk will wear a blue wrist band during pregnancy and after delivery of their babies If you have been asked to wear a blue band, keep it on until yourIf you're already taking medication for high blood pressure If you're taking medicine to lower your blood pressure and want to try for a baby, talk to your GP or specialist first They may want to switch you to a different medicine before you get pregnant

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Gestational hypertension Blood pressure became high for the first time after women had been pregnant for weeks (usually after 37 weeks) This type of hypertension typically resolves within 6 weeks after delivery Preeclampsia is another type of high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy It is accompanied by protein in the urineGestational hypertension (pregnancyrelated high blood pressure) which develops during pregnancy, usually after 32 weeks but it can occur after as few as weeks · During the hospital stay after delivery, nurses and doctors will watch your blood pressure, which can rise during delivery and shortly thereafter But once blood pressure goes down to normal, which for healthy people is lower than 1/80, too often providers assume everything is fine The truth is that blood pressure can start to rise again in the days after delivery, so it's important to have your blood pressure checked a week to 10 days after

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· Anticipate increased Blood Pressure in the first few days after delivery (due to fluid redistribution);High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can damage your blood vessels, heart and kidneys This damage can cause a heart attack, stroke or other health problems Your blood pressure reading is based on two measurements called systolic and diastolic The systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) are written as a ratio, for example (1/80 mmHg) A reading of moreIt's quite normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate a bit in the weeks after the birth If you had high blood pressure when you were pregnant, it will probably be back to normal within a few weeks of having your baby Your blood pressure will be checked at least once within six hours of your baby's birth After that, if you had gestational hypertension or chronic hypertension, your doctor will check it daily for the first two days, then once between days three and five after

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· The funny thing about high blood pressure is the odd way of measuring it what the presssure is after resting for 5 minutes So, my BP might be 150/100 for the remaining 1435 minutes of the day, but so long as I can get it down to 135/ for 5 minutes, I am not hypertensive Perhaps someone can develop a better test of whether we are at risk of hypertensiveFive tips for monitoring your blood pressure during pregnancy 1 Never skip an prenatal appointment, however well you feel 2 Make sure your BP and urine are both checked at every appointment 3 Call your midwife or doctor if you feel unwell in between appointments 4 Listen to the health professionals caring for you and heed their advice, including resting if necessary 5 IfThis means you probably had high blood pressure before you became pregnant You'll only know for sure if this is the case if your blood pressure stays high after your baby is born After weeks, high blood pressure is called gestational hypertension This is the name for high blood pressure that develops only during pregnancy (NICE 19b)

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· However, a woman can still be at risk for 6 weeks after delivery High blood pressure sometimes causes no symptoms at all As a result, the healthcare team will monitor the woman's blood pressureMD I am currently experiencing a very high diastolic blood pressure reading 155 my systolic is 230 during the day it is veryGestational hypertension is high blood pressure that occurs after you're weeks pregnant (Melvin and Funai 19, NICE 19a) If you had high blood pressure before weeks, it's likely that you had it before you were pregnant and that you'll continue to have it after

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· Women who develop high blood pressure during pregnancy may have the condition reappear within a year of delivery, and many of them may go undiagnosed because the problem only surfaces at night, aFor women with gestational hypertension who did not take antihypertensive treatment and have given birth, antihypertensive treatment should be started if blood pressure is 150/100 mmHg or higher Women who remain on antihypertensive treatment postnatally should be offered a medical review in primary care, or with their specialist 2 weeks after transfer to community care · Research from the American Heart Association found that high blood pressure is likely to linger after pregnancy in women who had preeclampsia These findings suggest women should be more closely

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First one some women have high blood pressure during pregnancy It is controlled with medications and usuall Read More 1 doctor agrees 0 0 comment 1 1 thank Send thanks to the doctor A Verified Doctor answered A US doctor answered Learn more NO! · Now, elevated blood pressure (without a diagnosis of hypertension) is systolic blood pressure (the top number) between 1 and 129 That used to be a vague category called "prehypertension" Stage 1 high blood pressure (a diagnosis of hypertension) is now between 130 and 139 systolic or between 80 and diastolic (the bottom number)Start antihypertensives emergently if BP >160/110 mmHg

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· The exact cause is unknown However, your risk of getting it is higher if you had high blood pressure after the th week of your pregnancy Other risk factors include obesity, a family history of high blood pressure, age (younger than and older than 40), and being pregnant with multiple babies (twins, triplets, or more)I was about at the same kind of situation therefore I also had preeclampsia ever since the 21st week of my pregnancy but I was also dealing with high blood pressure for the next 5 or 6 weeks after delivery though usually delivery is the cure for preeclampsia but it is just that in some cases it needs more time to fix this problem with high blood pressureMy blood pressure today was 150/100 I don't feel bad, but it's been high like this for a while What can I do?

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· Pregnancy induced hypertension (hipertenshun) is a high blood pressure problem caused by pregnancy It is also called "PIH" Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure You may have PIH if your blood pressure was normal but began to rise after the th week of pregnancy PIH means more than just having high blood pressure Many of the organs in your body may be involved with PIH About 5 to 7 per cent of all women get PIH during pregnancyAnd gives me a paper about preeclampsia! · moderate – blood pressure between 150/100 and 159/109mmHg;

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If a woman develops high blood pressure without the presence of proteins in her urine after weeks of pregnancy, it is called as "gestational hypertension" The blood pressure will normalize within six weeks after the delivery in this case, since it is pregnancyinduced However, constant monitoring of blood pressure is essential to be on the safe side · These findings are applicable to general obstetric practice when high blood pressure disorders during pregnancy are considered together Further studies are needed to look at the different types of hypertensive disorders individually Authors' conclusions For women suffering from hypertensive disorders of pregnancy after 34 weeks, planned early delivery is associatedMy blood pressure has always been 1/80 average!

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· Light and frequent exercise is one of the best ways to lower your blood pressure Getting your blood flowing with yoga, tai chi, resistance training and walking are three of the exercises I have found most effective Remember that it is best to slowly increase your intensity when starting to work out again after giving birth, or after having issues with high blood pressure · High and low blood pressure can happen in pregnancy for a variety of reasons, sometimes as a complication of pregnancy and other times due to a preexisting condition When high blood pressure develops after weeks gestation, it is called gestational high blood pressure or hypertensionDepending on the level of blood pressure and signs of lesions of other organs, there are three stages of hypertension First stage — blood pressure above 140/90 to 160/90 or 160/100, that is, at an average of blood pressure 150/100 This is the initial stage of the disease, when few symptoms, no serious changes in other organs and systems Level of high blood pressure unstable Patients rarely seek medical attention at this stage it is in vain, therefore, not far off the progression of

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· Normal blood pressure is below 140/90 mm Hg During pregnancy Mildly high blood pressure is blood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99 mm Hg (ie the systolic or upper number is between 140 and 149, and/or the lower or diastolic number is between 90 and 99) Moderately high blood pressure is blood pressure between 150/100 and 159/109 mm Hg (The · The goal is to lower the patient's blood pressure to between 140/90 and 150/100 to prevent prolonged exposure to severely high blood pressure During this time, the care team will frequently check your blood pressure and monitor the baby for signs of distress, such as changes in fetal activity or heart rateHigh blood pressure in pregnancy comes in two forms Chronic hypertension – which means you had high blood pressure before you got pregnant;

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Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, to stroke, kidney disease,I have had a slight headache and fatigue the last couple days He tells me to go buy a blood pressure machine keep checking and if it gers to 160 call!— Signed GWL Hello GWL!

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/01/17 · As you can see from the paragraph above, if your blood pressure is significantly elevated (>150/100 mmHg) it is very unlikely that diet and lifestyle changes alone will be enough to bring your blood pressure in a range that will reduce your risk or heart attacks, strokes, or early death You need medications The great thing about meds to treat your blood pressure is thatNormally, pregnant women tend to have LOWER than average blood pressure, so an elevated blood pressure is a · Severe preeclampsia often leads to undetected high blood pressure after pregnancy Feb 05, 18 Beetroot has blood pressure link in pregnant women Aug 28, 18 High blood pressure in pregnancy

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· Pregnancyinduced high blood pressure and preeclampsia can lead to serious and lifethreatening conditions like eclampsia and HELLP syndrome Eclampsia This is when blood pressure in pregnancy rises so high that it causes seizures or coma in the mother Sixty percent of eclampsia comes on during pregnancy, % during delivery, and % afterThe blood pressure at the hospital showed 155/ and after chin My blood pressure yesterday was 147/100 and pulse 74 at 700 am, 160/102 View answer Answered by Dr Benard Shehu ( Cardiologist) What causes elevated diastolic blood pressure level? · First, blood pressure was measured using research methodology both before and after pregnancy, allowing us to look at prospective changes in blood pressure as a result of pregnancy Standardized blood pressure measurements were available before conception for 100 percent of women in our analysis and percent had at least four measurements after baseline

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